

Machine learning: Trends,perspectives, and prospects

Machine learning: Trends,perspectives, and prospects M. I. Jordan1* and T. M. Mitchell2* 机器学习:趋势、观点和前景 Abstract Machine learning addresses the question of how to build computers that improve automatically through experience. It is on…

Machine learningTrends, perspectives, and prospects

论文翻译:Machine learning:Trends, perspectives, and prospects 机器学习:趋势, 视角和前景 Abstract 摘要 Machine learning addresses the question of how to build computers that improve automatically through experience. It i…


用time machine 在ppt里面加载的视频上添加字幕,用STAMP: Subtitling Add-In for PowerPoint: http://www.xuexila.com/ppt/jichu/1697130.html 转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/hualimengyu/p/6719591.html

哈佛大学计算机科学CS50 Week1字幕

This is CS50. OpenCourseWare Http://cs50.tv/ [Silence] Week 1 This is CS50, Week 1, thought we’d begin with a cookie love story. [Music] So this was a Scratch project submitted by one of last year’s student. And what’s nice is because not only is it ra…

泰坦尼克号电影 完整字幕 中英文对比 完整版

0,0:01:50.93,0:01:53.03Thirteen meters. You should see it. 距离13公尺 应该看得见了 0,0:02:05.73,0:02:08.03Okay, take her up and over the bow rail. 越过船头的栏杆 0,0:02:09.53,0:02:12.73Okay, Mir- 2, were going over the bow. Stay with us. 和平二号 我们要到船…


This is part of a series describing the development of Moviegoer, a multi-disciplinary data science project with the lofty goal of teaching machines how to “watch” movies and interpret emotion and antecedents (behavioral cause/effect). 这是描述Moviegoer开…




